Friday, September 25, 2009
Implementing "Neue Journalism"
So why are so many people still out of the loop?
Monday marked the start of the new school year at Spokane Falls, and with it came one of the largest staffs in Communicator history (over 30 people in a closet sized newsroom). Most of the students were new to the paper, only making new Editor-in-Chief, Hilary Vandenbark's head hurt that much more.
But beside the massave number of students, one other thing caught my attention.... Only about half of the staff owned and operated a twitter account. This not only blew my mind, but also got me thinking why?
Things like Twitter are not only essential tools for students, but student journalists even more so. These are tools tht allow the news to get out quicker, more accurate and to a wider audiance.
So, today I strongly suggested that everyone in the newsroom not only create a Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn account, but use it. So far quite a few students have set accounts up, and I am interested to hear the feedback of what they think both now, and at the end of the term. My guess is they will never think twice about social media again.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Something to take serious: The value of a journalism internship
College isn’t easy; anyone who has been through it knows that, but majoring in journalism makes it even tougher.
For those who have yet to experience the wonders of the journalism internship, prepare to be blown away when you realize how much you have to give for what at the time seems like nothing. Just remember, that nothing will turn into a career down the road.
The concept of an internship seems simple when it's undertaken, but it is vital to remember that these are the people who can open your career door. They will not come to you, but if you can walk up to them, and prove that you are the best, you will not be denied.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lessons learned in a college newsroom pt. 3
I could be the greatest writer in the world. Get all the best sources and all the bets quotes, but without a great photo, it means jack.
I preach to photographers in the newsroom that standing in one space and taking 10 photos DOESN'T CUT IT!
The rules of news photography are well known.... So why is it so hard to execute them?
Don't be afraid to do WHATEVER is needed to get the best possible shot. I was asked today to go and write a story and take a photo of a new fire truck at the station by my work. After taking notes and getting the background info set, it was time to take the photos. So... Did I stand next to the truck and snap a few photos? NO
What I did do though is take about 200 photos from every angle, including signing a medial release form, strapping on a safety harnest and going up into the engine's bucket ladder and take photos at over 100 feet in the air.
When I think of a good news photo, I want to see everything though the eyes of the subject.
Journalism Jeopardy and Twitter
Monday, August 17, 2009
An interns life for me pt. 2
Friday, July 3, 2009
An interns life for me pt.1
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Lessons learned in a college newsroom #2
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
First Podcast launched
My first Podcast is finally up on both my newspaper's website and available on iTunes. The piece, "Campus in brief" which I produced, wrote and edited (No talking involved, I don't have the most glorious radio voice) is a weekly podcast that breaks the top stories surrounding our school (Spokane Falls Community College) into quick bite-size pieces.