I love social media... I mean love it. Everything from Twitter to Facebook to Flickr, it all makes everything more fun and entertaining (except for MySpace, so dumb).
So why are so many people still out of the loop?
Monday marked the start of the new school year at Spokane Falls, and with it came one of the largest staffs in Communicator history (over 30 people in a closet sized newsroom). Most of the students were new to the paper, only making new Editor-in-Chief, Hilary Vandenbark's head hurt that much more.
But beside the massave number of students, one other thing caught my attention.... Only about half of the staff owned and operated a twitter account. This not only blew my mind, but also got me thinking why?
Things like Twitter are not only essential tools for students, but student journalists even more so. These are tools tht allow the news to get out quicker, more accurate and to a wider audiance.
So, today I strongly suggested that everyone in the newsroom not only create a Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn account, but use it. So far quite a few students have set accounts up, and I am interested to hear the feedback of what they think both now, and at the end of the term. My guess is they will never think twice about social media again.
haha, My head still hurts