Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journalism Jeopardy and Twitter

Answer: HTML, CSS and XML. Question: How do you make a journalist cry?
I know that these are only simple file extensions, but the brain of a journalist is not trained to think outside of .doc and .jpeg. I've said before that journalism is changing, and the only people who will succeed in the industry are the ones who take that time to learn all the aspects of what I call, "neue journalism." By simply going to Barnes and Noble (a place all journalism students know well) and venturing into the dark abyss that is the computer software learning section, you can pick up a copy of "Dreamweaver for Dummies" (a really good read actually) and learn the basics of web design and maintenance. Also... For the love of god, learn what Twitter is. If I hear my mother ask me, "Is that a twitter" every-time my phone rings, I might strangle her! Just kidding, I love my mother. But honestly, Twitter is THE way for journalists to communicate. If you do not already have an account... GET ONE.

Btw... You can follow me on Twitter @

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