Thursday, March 25, 2010

neue journalism wordle

By simply entering the rss feed to "neue journalism" into the site, I was able to find out what I am blogging about the most. Make your own today.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taking the stage

My second piece for my Journalism 225 class. This time we we're asked to tackle a 4 minute, non-narrated, 3 source multimedia story. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010 is only kinda a time vampire

I recently stumbled upon (no pun intended) this web site, aptly named, from a conversation I was having with our News Editor at The Communicator.

This is a warning... DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE.

Don't get me wrong, it's one of the coolest and most creative concepts I have seen on the web since twitter. The problem though lies in the fact that once you start playing on it... you can't stop.

If you have a ton of time to spare, say over spring break or really anytime in a newsroom, go on here and get lost. It really is worth it. But beware... you will want to do nothing else but surfing this site.